Keep your bedding, towels, and other linen supplies clean and well-maintained with the help of Medical Linen Services.

welcomes the opportunity to offer professional laundry & linen services to Your company.

Our private and secure industrial Michigan facility can process 5,000 items within two hours including professional folding to decrease wrinkles, packaging according to your preference, and fee-free guaranteed on-time delivery based on your scheduling needs.

We are proud to be a laundering contractor for Medical Providers throughout the Midwest who desire the best services available. Our primary mission is to provide both high-quality and cost-effective laundry solutions that will in turn create hygienically safe environments for customers, patients, and employees.

While processing your facility linen we use only medical-grade detergents, softeners, and bleaches. We have also implemented extended washing and drying cycles to further ensure sanitation, infection control, and bacteria inhibition.

Medical Linen Services will appoint one professionally vetted licensed & insured route representative from our facility to meet with your appointed contact person to verify orders.

It is our goal to continue our positive growth by including your company in our list of valued and satisfied clients.


Jennifer Washington, Owner

Medical Linen Services

Quality Services Affordable Prices.

contact us today to learn more